
The Meme Coin

The Basics

Anarcat is issued on the Solana blockchain. The design is of my cat, Meeps, the Anarcat. I'll add a photo of her!

Initially, we are issuing 1 billion coins, of which 90% will be available, while 10% are reserved for marketing/promotions/team &c. We'll have a group on Telegram, as well as Twitter, you'll find the link at the end of the site. The Plan follows...

  • Phase one: Website creation, creation of Anarcat token, Twitter Launch, Telegram launch, t-shirt creation.

  • Phase two:List token on Dexlab, Solana Dex updates, t-shirt sales.

  • Phase three:1000 Telegram group members, 500 Twitter followers, $1M volume, Coin Market Cap application, Coin Gecko Application.

  • Phase four: CEX listing, Find Holy Grail, sell latter on eBay.

See you on Telegram!

Click on the icons for Telegram or T-shirt!

This is Meeps, the original Anarcat.